A downloadable game


You will obey the one true deity. Ruler of this world. He has cometh to bring guidance towards salvation. He shall grant eternal life beyond this dimension. All will ascend into a mightier place upon departure from this mortal plane.

How soon depends on if you OBEY...

In this eerie tale you will take the role of a amnesic soul who has been placed into this realm of stale obedience where misled inhabitants willingly forfeit their souls to a mystical deity.

Discover what is truly lying beyond this forefront of deception and lies!
Or do nothing and watch as the story unfolds. The choice is yours.
The decisions you make will lead to different endings, lead you to learn new discoveries, uncover different plots and stories. Either for the bad or good.

"Save us. Please! We have forgotten. We are forgotten."

There is a window for events to be changed. Miss the window and you'll have to rewind to the start of that day to take another shot. But, don't worry. You'll have a schedule diary where you can jot down events you've previously experienced in some way.

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